
Purchases Added to D.C. Probe: $444,000 Charged to City-Issued Card

More of the same; corruption in the local D.C. government. Another employee of the District misused a credit card. F12 macro.

The D.C. government credit card issued to a former official under FBI investigation was used for more than $444,000 in charges, including shopping trips to the Gap and a Bally shoe outlet at Potomac Mills, records show.
Damn you, the Gap! You've reared your bland head in my blog for a second time in two weeks! Flashing back:

"Just like if the Gap comes out with a new pair of jeans and has a blitz marketing ad, our job is to let people know the product, to connect people with what we've done," said Chris Bender, spokesman for the city's office of economic development.
You heard it here first: D.C. is obsessed with the Gap. It wants to be the Gap, and apparently also own everything at the Gap.

$444,000?! Who was dumb enough to give a city employee a credit card with a limit that high? Well, everyone in D.C. government, obviously, is dumb enough. The best part:

"One person, a bad apple . . . made improper decisions and has abused the system," Williams said.
Yep, this is the single example of corruption in D.C. government. Only one person made improper decisions and abused the system... TODAY!

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