
Gross Metro Ads

Dear Washington Sports Club,

Although I think it's great that I'm allowed to join your gym for the low, low initiation fee of $20.08...

Perhaps you could show me the courtesy of not sticking a fat man's horrible crotch lines in my face every morning. You pulled this crap last year, too. I expect better when your initiation rate jumps to $20.09.


  1. I still prefer the WSC ads over those horrible Equinox ads, which are essentially pornographic.

  2. I dunno man, those crotch lines seem pretty solid to me.

  3. Would you rather his crotch lines in your face via a Metro ad or his crotch lines in your face when he's bending over in front of you in the WSC locker room?

  4. I'm surprised you even noticed, what with all the actual crotches that regularly get shoved into metro riders faces during rush hour...

  5. I don't think about the crotch so much as how he's gonna clean dog poop off the treadmill.

  6. I'll take the crotch lines over those pro-life ads that are everywhere nowadays. Seriously, I just want to get to work, I don't want some "I hate Roe v Wade" or "have we gone too far?" poster in my face.

  7. I hate this commercial too. I think I spent one long metro ride trying to figure out what that drink in is hand is supposed to be: soda? beer?

  8. Rusty - can we get a hater's update on Late Night Shots? I lurved those posts! Hook a negro up.

  9. hahahha. At least he has clothes on! Later in the locker room is where you get the full monty!

  10. I guess the WSC marketing execs think that crotch sells memberships.

  11. Hi and thanks for the comments on the Washington Sports Clubs ad.

    Rusty is correct; we've run the ad before. We get a great response each time we do.

    I don't know if HRH is correct in his analysis about why it works but maybe he's on to something. Me, I always gave the credit to the dog.

    Merrill Richmond
    Vice President - Marketing
    Washington Sports Clubs

  12. Um, wow. That's weird.

    I wonder how much market research was put into what kind of dog the scary fat man should have.

  13. I was looking up this ad since it ran last year in NYC and again this year. I'm no animal rights activist, but I was really horrified that in last year's campaign the dog had on two leashes -- the one the man is holding, and one that was strapped to the treadmill. This foreced the dog to stay on the treadmill, since he was held in place. This ad shows only one leash, which would allow the dog to get off if he got tired of it.

    I wasn't able to look closely, but I think on the ad (not the shot you included) there is a section of the window sill (on the right) that doesn't quite match up. Look for it the next time you see the ad. I guess they realized how effed up it was, and (poorly) photoshopped it out.

  14. I agree with Samaber. Those Pro-Life signs on the buses and metro cars are *really* annoying... FACT: WOMEN WILL HAVE ABORTIONS ANY DAY FOR ANY REASON.
