
So Long! Farewell!

...Now I want to buy a Kia.

I'd like to take a minute to offer my congratulations to Schuyler from A Ton of Bricks for escaping Washington, DC for greener pastures in, um, Detroit. Schuyler, when he's posting regularly, is my favorite blogger in the land and it's a shame to see him leave for Canada.*

I highly recommend you check out the July 2006 archives. Schuyler was my guest blogger between the 21st and 28th while I was on vacation in Massachusetts and he blew me out of the water. Not only is he funnier than me, but he also took the time to make graphs and charts and shit.

This is the second local blogger that I'm a fan of to leave Washington (Irina preceded Schuyler). My response to the constant criticism of "If you hate DC so much why don't you just leave" has been "It's not that easy." Oh my God. What if it is that easy? What if I'm just lazy? Questions to ponder while I drink my cyanide-and-tea cocktail this morning.

*Joke stolen from Schuyler.


  1. Why I hate Detroit?

    Damn, talk about a blog that writes itself.

    People who complain about DC would have their heads explode in mo-town.

    And yeah, it is easy to move outta here. I've done it a half dozen times myself.

  2. Yay for Schuyler's data graphs and photoshop pics! They rock and always made me laugh. The people of Detroit are sure to like him too until he's shot in the head by one of them for meth money.

  3. yeahhh, i agree. you need more illustrations. ms paint is AWESOME. but don't steal dcist's snowpocalypse guy.

    pie charts. yes, pie charts are sooo 2007.

  4. Honestly, I left last July and I am so, so much happier. You should just suck it up and do it. I was in DC for 9 years and it never really changed.

  5. When you contemplate moving from D.C. to a shit hole like detroit, you realize that, for all its faults, DC is not *that* bad. In fact, there are parts of it that are actually quite nice (Eastern Market, Adams Morgan for going out, etc). Seriously, check out www.detroityes.com/home.htm , a site dedicated to the "ruins of Detroit" and you'll realize that DC ain't so bad (even though it IS messed up and 3rd world in a lot of ways).

  6. I would suggest leaving DC but not for Detroit. There are many many more places in the US (and the world) that blow this place off the map (and what doesn't blow detroit off the map). If you're gonna go...go someplace better not worse!

  7. "Not only is he funnier than I...", Rusty. Much like when you would say, "Not only does he use better grammar than I (do)..."

  8. I checked with an editor and he says that I'm write and your wrong.

  9. Rusty- are you a Guster fan?

  10. Rusty: "I'm write" or "I'm right"? or was that another Rusty pun of sorts...

  11. 1. I hate Guster.

    2. "Write" was misspelled intentionally. Same for "your." Come on, I'm not a moron!


  12. http://englishplus.com/grammar/00000025.htm

    Hmmm....'fraid not. What you're really saying is "He is funnier than I am." Elliptical clause. Though most agree that the correct form sounds ridiculous in an informal context. I'll give you that. So...if anything, we're both "write"...but I am never wrong.

    just sayin'....

  13. I left D.C. for Chicago two months ago. I like Chicago and still hate D.C. Chicago is way more affordable than d.c. as well.

  14. ever wonder if whats missing isnt geographically specific?
