
LSS WaPo Chat

I know, I know. It's been nothing but Laura Sessions Stepp and Late Night Shots 'round these parts. It beats me complaining about the Metro, right?

(Of course, the Metro remains fucked. How was everyone's commute this morning? Wasn't that great when there were no trains headed towards Silver Spring for 20 minutes due to some problem at Woodley Park? Or when the trains would come every seven minutes and they would inevitably already be full? Fuck Metro.)

So, Laura Sessions Stepp. She has a WaPo live chat starting in about ten minutes. Please feel free to submit a question.

In case you don't want to spend the next hour or so being called a dirty little slut, here's the review of her book Unhooked which is coming out tomorrow. It's a deliriously negative review and it makes me smile.

Here's an excerpt from the book that made me smile, then giggle, then chuckle, then guffaw:

"In a smorgasbord of booty, all the hot dishes start looking like they've been on the warming table too long."



  1. I think LSS is a sexist old wrinkled cunt and I am going to tell her so. Rip her to shreds Rusty.

  2. LSS has CHILDREN? Poor, poor kids. I bet she dresses them in Puritan clothing, funny hats, and buckeld shoes. "Show no skin!"

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I want to bang LSS and then not call her the next day.

  5. "there are no condoms for the heart"

  6. I just don't know why this bitch thinks that being in love or having a relationship/marriage is the answer to everything. maybe some people LIKE being single and childless...what's wrong with that?! I notice she wouldn't answer that question when I posted it to WaPo today....pussy...

  7. So it's "easier today for men to be the studs they traditionally have been." Um, what? If they were traditionally studs, what changed?

    Oh, right. We're "the gatekeepers." It's our fault. Thanks, LSS.

  8. The live chat of her nonsense bullshit is even better than the book exerpts:

    Laura Sessions Stepp: There are no condoms for the heart.

  9. WORST WaPo Chat ever. This statement sounds like it came from some church youth group publication from 1956: "Parents play a huge role in helping young people decide how to relate to others. Not only in what they say but how they model their relationship to each other. Peers are also a big influence, and as hooking up has become more popular, it takes a very strong young woman to decide on what terms she will pursue a relationship, as opposed to how her friends do."

  10. The gatekeeper thing cracked me up too.

    "I am the keymaster."
    "I am the gatekeeper."


  11. this is my favorite quote from the live chat:

    Laura Sessions Stepp: These are very good questions that we, as a society need to do lots of talking about.

    jesus christ. what is WRONG with this woman????


  13. She is nothing but an advocate of bad social science. Drawing the conclusion that because college girls prefer to read Bridget Jones Diary over Jane Eyre in class they do not value relationships. Um, maybe they just aren't literature students, or want to be given an assignment they can finish in a day of half-conscious reading. LSS is an idiot. “Hmm today I want to write a book about why women are whores. OK, I can find some data to manipulate, follow 6 girls, and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that young women are going to Hell.” She infuriates me.

  14. Perhaps the problem is that LSS is actually a member of Late Night Shots, they seem to have similar thoughts on women . . .
