
DDOT installs sign at Connecticut and R following removal of ghost bike

I was informed today by Councilmember Jack Evans' office that in response to the removal of the ghost bike, DDOT installed a new sign at the intersection of Connecticut and R NW. I've taken a photo of the new sign. While it may not mention Alice Swanson by name, I hope it may help remind drivers to respect the bicycle lane.

While not quite as emotionally compelling as the ghost bike display, the new sign is at least some progress. Hopefully this will be a very visible remidner to drivers. I'd like to thank Councilmember Evans and DDOT Director Gabe Klein for making this happen. I'm still investigating the decision-making process behind the removal of the bike, but this is at least a moderate victory.

The removal of the ghost bike has provoked a good discussion of both bicycle safety and the issue of memorials on public property. The best memorial, in the end, would be better harmony and respect between motorists and cyclists. Ghost bikes won't be needed if no more crashes occur.


  1. As far as providing guidance to a driver goes, I think a sign that specifically tells you to look out for cyclists is a lot more compelling than a ghost bike.

    A bike tied to a light post in the sidewalk would probably not even be noticed by a driver. Why would you be looking at the sidewalk when you're driving, instead of the road where you should be looking? Besides, there are hundreds of bikes locked to light posts and meters everywhere at any given point in time.

    Non sequitur, but someone with a white bicycle has started locking it in front of my house every day. It's creepy.

  2. Agree w/ Jamie. While it may be a less emotionally powerful memorial, the sign is a much more compelling signal to drivers that they should be careful.

  3. I'm going to agree with both of you as well. It's definitely more compelling to drivers. It's an appropriate response by DDOT.

  4. These are interesting questions. I appreciate your approach to them and look forward to hearing more.
